Test for details and summary (Plain)

Links to other examples.


Example without the open attribute

The example below should render with a disclosure widget next to "Knot", and the widget should be collapsed.


A knot is a unit of speed equaling 1 nautical mile per hour (1.15 miles per hour or 1.852 kilometers per hour).

The above example

Note: Google Chrome, Comodo Dragon (which is based on Chromium) and Safari render details as a paragraph (or block-level element in HTML 4.01 parlance).

Example with the open attribute

The example below should render with a disclosure widget next to "Knot", and the widget should be expanded.


(Chess): A knot is a move that uses one piece to attack two or more of the opponent's pieces simultaneously, hoping to achieve material advantage, since the opponent can only counter one of the two threats. (Source: Wikipedia: Chess tactic.)

The above example leads to the same results as the example without the open attribute.

Note: the second example is not keyboard accessible in Google Chrome and Comodo Dragon (on Windows 7) unless the first example is commented out or removed!?

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