This page contains a list of tools that can be used to evaluate the accessibility of web content. These tools are available under an open source licence unless otherwise noted. Inclusion in this list does not imply endorsement.
Note: most accessibility requirements, such as the WCAG success criteria and the requirements in EN 301 549, cannot be evaluated automatically.
Lists of Tools
- The Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools List
provided by the Web Accesssibility Initiative (WAI) of the
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is the most comprehensive
listing of accessibility evaluation tools available on the Web.
This is a listing that can be filtered by the guidelines or standards that the tools support, the language(s) in which they are available, type of tool (online, desktop, plugin, etc.), the type of assistance provided, etc.
Any tool developer can add their tool. Note that the W3C does not verify the accuracy of the data and that inclusion does not imply endorsement by the W3C. - The section Accessibility Tools in the Web Design Reference maintained at the Univeristy of Minnesota Duluth.
- Hilera, José: a11y-evaluation-tools list, Lists of resources for accessibility evaluation and development (no date; last accessed on 13.10.2023). (For this site's source code, see a11y-lists on GitHub. José Ramón Hilera González is a professor at the Universidad de Alcalá in Spain.)
- Tools zur Überprüfung, Web for All (no date; accessed on 06.05.2022).
- Faulkner, Steve: Accessibility testing tools – Updated May 2019. This article lists tools that are used on a daily basis at The Paciello Group (TPG, a member of the Web Accessibility Tools Consortium, which no longer exists). (Originally published on 29.09.2010.)
- Tools, 18F Accessibility Guide (no date; accessed on 23.02.2023).
- Web Accessibility Tools, Tests and Resources, UTMB Web Resources (no date; accessed on 30.08.2022).
- Evaluation tools: undated article by the University of Michigan’s Web Accessibility Working Group that describes the strengths and weaknesses of some of the most popular accessibility evaluation tools.
- Peri, Raghavendra Satish: 45 Browser Extensions to Perform Accessibility Testing Effectively, Digital A11Y, 02.06.2020, updated on 03.05.2022.
- Chan, Nic: A Complete Guide To Accessibility Tooling, Smashing Magazine, 16.06.2021 (20-minute read).
- Hardy, Michael:
3 Accessibility Testing Tools Small Websites Should Be Using,
Thumbwind, 21.06.2021.
This article discusses Google Lighthouse, ARC Toolkit and NVDA. - Newton, Keith:
The most dangerous accessibility guidance I've read so far,
LinkedIn, 15.02.2023.
This post is about an article containing a list of tools thatother accessibility experts have identified as dubious
(especially overlay tools) and that appears to exist to promote the company's own tool. - Newton, Keith:
The most problematic accessibility guidance I've read so far,
LinkedIn, 15.02.2023.
This articles discusses another article recommending “10 Best Web Accessibility Testing Tools In 2023”. It turns out that the article's author was probably not an accessibility expert, is unable to define what accessibility is and recommends tools that accessibiliyt experts find dubious (to put it politely.) The article probably only exists to promote the company's own tool. Colantonio, Joe: Top 21 Accessibility Testing Tools for Automation, Test Guild, 09.02.2018, updated 24.11.2018.
This article contains a list to the WCAG 1.0 checkpoints and looks outdated.Stemler, Sam; Statly, Erica: The 25 Best Free Accessibility Tools to Test Your Site, Accessibility Metrics blog, 18.11.2019.
This blog post contains outdated links (such as Cynthia Says and, tools that are irrelevant (e.g. for SEO, link checkers) and implicitly presents the company's own tool, which is not well known in the accessibility community, as the best choice.Top 20 Accessibility Testing Tools for Web Applications, Software Testing Help, last updated on 25.10.2022 (accessed on 15.11.2022).
Some of the tools listed on this page are rather old and not up to date with current web accessibility standards. Even though this page was last updated in late October 2022, some of the links no longer worked mid November.
Individual Tools
Code Checkers
This section lists browser add-ons or extensions and web-based accessibility checkers. For libraries that allow test automation, for example, in pipelines, see the section Automated Testing.
- WebAIM:
WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool.
Also available as
browser extensions for Firefox and Chrome.
In November 2017, WebAIM added features to check pages across websites; see the blog post New Site-wide WAVE Tools (28.11.2017).
According to the help page, this tool claims to check compliance against WCAG 2.1 and Section 508. The Google Spreadsheet that maps WAVE checks to WCAG 2.1 succes criteria lists 13 criteria on conformance levels A and AA. (Accessed on 06.05.2022.) - The Functional Accessibility Evaluator (FAE) developed Accessible IT Group at the University of Illinois can evaluate the conformance of an entire website against WCAG 2.0 Level A or Level AA and is therefore updated. You need a user account if you want to evaluate an entire website; registration is free of charge. FAE's source code is available on GitHub under the Apache 2.0 licence.
- ARC Toolkit
is a tool developed by the Paciello Group. It is available as a Chrome extension: see
ARC Toolkit in the Google Chrome Store.
Description from the company's website (July 2020):ARC Toolkit is a professional-level accessibility testing tool that gives you the power to quickly and efficiently evaluate screens for accessibility and uncover issues related to the WCAG 2.1 Level A and AA guidelines. This convenient Chrome extension enables you to easily drill down into code level issues and gain in-depth insight into the accessibility of the screen. It’s a must-have tool to identify and address crucial accessibility issues.
(Accessed on 06.05.2022.) - axe DevTools® is a set of tools that includes a browser extension.
See also:
How to use axe Dev Tools and understanding semantics | Accessibility Learning S02
(DigitalA11Y Insights on YouTube, 47:26 minutes, 31.08.2023).
Recording of an online tutorial about the browser extension by Raghavendra Peri. (The closed captions for this video are confusing.)
How to use axe Dev Tools and understanding semantics | Accessibility Learning S02
(DigitalA11Y Insights on YouTube, 47:26 minutes, 31.08.2023).
Polypane is a stand-alone browser for web developers.
It is a commercial product that runs on Windows, MacOS and Linux.
It does not focus specifically on accessibility but has a number of features that support the creation of accessible web content and
auditing the accessibility of web content.
The developer of Polypane is Kilian Valkhof from the Netherlands.
- Accessibility overview, Polypane Documentation (no date; accessed on 05.09.2022).
- Find and fix accessibility issues with Polypane (Polypane blog, 19.01.2021, updated on 25.10.2021 (14-minute read).
- A11y Tooling in Polypane (Kilian Valkhof on YouTube, 55:13 minutes, 07.06.2021). (The closed captions in this video are not entirely accurate.)
Some useful groups of panes for accessibility testing
. Created by Patrick Lauke and made available under the terms of the MIT licence. (Accessed on 05.03.2024.)
- Total Validator: Browser Extension: tool that performs several types of checks: HTML validation, validation against WCAG and the US Section 508 requirements, checking for broken links, and spell checking for a small set of languages (English, French, Italian, Spanish and German).
- Assistant RGAA,
Firefox Browser Add-ons (accessed on 26.07.2021).
See also Bourdon, Noémie; Bonaventure, Simon: L’extension assistant RGAA se met à jour !, Empreinte Digitale, le blog, 22.07.2021. - The
AInspector WCAG
is a Firefox add-on developed by the Accessible IT Group at the University of Illinois.
Like FAE it evaluates the conformance of web content
against WCAG 2.0 Level A or Level AA.
Like FAE, it uses the
OpenAjax Alliance rules and rulesetsOpenAjax Alliance rules and rulesets. See also the AInspector Sidebar Documentation and the AInspector Sidebar source code on GitHub. - Sonar's set of products, which includes the commercial product SonarQube and the freeware linter SonarLint, also supports a number of accessibility checks. See How to scan accessibility issues using SonarQube? (SonarCommunity, 06.12.2019), which announced the introduction of 21 accessibility rules (in HTML static code analysis). However, some of these rules have issues. See for example the following issue reports: HTML: RSPEC-1096 does not detect title when there is no head start tag (submitted on 18.11.2023), HTML: RSPEC-1085 requires that every data table has a description (submitted on 09.11.2023), HTML: RSPEC-5254 requires lang on the html element (submitted on 09.11.2023).
Purple A11y Desktop:
Purple A11y Desktop is a customisable, automated web accessibility testing tool that allows software development teams to find and fix accessibility problems to improve persons with disabilities (PWDs) access to digital services.
The application is available for Windows and macOS. Licence: MIT. (Accessed on 04.02.2024.)
Abandoned Tools
The following tools are no longer being developed:
- European Internet Inclusion Initiative (EIII):
EIII Page Checker:
tool where you can enter the URL of a web page that you want to evaluate.
The tool's “About” page claims it checks conformance against the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 (WCAG 2.1) without mentioning a specific conformance level. (Accessed on 06.05.2022.)
See also checker-suite (EIII GitLab repository), which has not been updated since October 2015. This checker suite for large-scale evaluation was developed and used during the EU-funded EIII project. The code is written in Haskell and Python and is available under the BSD three-clause licence. See the blog post Open source release of the automated EIII checker suite (05.10.2015) and the list of Checker HTML Tests.
See also EIII Source. The code in these repositories has not been updated since October 2015. - Squiz Labs:
HTML_CodeSniffer /
HTML_CodeSniffer (on GitHub):
HTML_CodeSniffer is a client-side script that checks HTML source code and detects violations of a defined coding standard. (…) To get you started, HTML_CodeSniffer comes with standards that enforce the three conformance levels of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1, and the web-related components of the U.S. "Section 508" legislation. An auditor interface is provided by a bookmarklet to let you try out these accessibility checks on any web page.
(The GitHub repository has not been updated since September 2020. Last accessed on 06.05.2020.) Licence: BSD 3-Clause License. - MAUVE: Multiguideline Accessibility and Usability Validation Environment:
MAUVE++ (Multiguideline Accessibility and Usability Validation Environment) is a system to evaluate accessibility of websites by checking their HTML and CSS code through guidelines, it provides validation results for different types of stakeholders, and supports validation of W3C WCAG 2.1 guidelines.
See also MAUVE++. Neither site could be reached on 06.05.2022.) - WaaT: Web Accessibility Assessment Tool is a Java-based tool developed by the European Project ACCESSIBLE. More information is available on the website of the ACCESSIBLE project. (In “beta” since 2013, with no update since that time. Licence: MIT.)
Google Chrome Accessibility Developer Tools
a library of accessibility-related testing and utility code
. The GitHub repository has not been updated since November 2017. (Last accessed on 06.05.2022.) (Licence: Apache 2.0.)
See also Totally Tooling Tips: Accessibility (20.07.2016): short YouTube video (8 minutes) by Addy Osmani and Matt Gaunt that introduces a few tools, i.e. the Chrome Accessibility Developer Tools Extension, the Accessibility Developer Tools (a Node module available on GitHub), a11y (a module with a command-line interface that can also be used in continuous integration), (a web-based checker; see the source code on GitHub), tota11y (a bookmarklet; see the source code on GitHub) and ally.js (JavaScript library; see the source code on GitHub.
The video is part of the free online course Web Accessibility by Google on Udacity. -
Most accessibility tools are designed for developers and often require knowledge of code to make sense of the results. Sa11y is designed for content authors and focuses on content related issues and successes.
(20.07.2022.) See also Bookmarklet (Sa11y) and WordPress Plugin (Sa11y). The Sa11y source code is available under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2. (Last accessed on 07.08.2024.) - Greytower:
subscription-based commerical quality assurance tool.
siteSifter Lite
allows you to get an idea of its capabilities.
(This site was offline on 14.01.2021 and 06.05.2022.) -
a desktop app that allows you to automatically detect accessibility (a11y) issues on webpages.
It runs on Linux, Windows (XP or more recent) and Mac OS. The tool was created using Pa11y, Vue.js and NW.js. The Koa11y source code is available on GitHub under the terms of the MIT licence. The source code has not been updated since 24.08.2020. - ADA Compliance Testing & Auditing Tools, Accessibility Works blog, 29.06.2022.
AChecker: online tool that can check web pages that you submit by entering a URL, uploading an HTML file or pasting source code. You need a user account if you want to evaluate an entire website.AChecker's source code is available on GitHub under the GNU GPL version 2. The tool was take offline in late 2021 or early 2022. The source code repository has been archived.- Access-for-all:
CAC - The Content Accessibility Checker:
a Firefox plugin for checking web content against the subset of WCAG 2.0 success criteria
that can be checked automatically.
Licence: Creative Commons CC BY 3.0 CH (which is
not an appropriate licence for source code!).
The source code repository has not been updated since August 2015. (Last accessed on 06.05.2022.) - tota11y-chrome: a browser extension for Chrome, available under the MIT licence. The GitHub repository has not been updated since September 2015.
- LERA - Website Accessibility Testing & Reporting Tool, Advancedbytez (no date; accessed on 16.11.2022).
Automated Testing
axe: the Accessibility Engine:
Axe is an open source rules library for accessibility testing
. One of its mantras is not generating false positives. See axe-core on GitHub (Mozilla Public License 2.0). See also:- List of Axe HTML 4.7 rules, Deque University (no date; accessed on 18.06.2023).
- Accessibility Score (Outcome Reports): short explanation of how the Axe accessibility score is calculated.
- Configuring the axe DevTools Extension, Deque Docs (no date; accessed on 07.10.2024).
- Axe + Azure Pipelines: Automate accessibility testing in your CI builds, Microsoft on GitHub (MIT licence; accessed on 01.11.2023).
How to get the most out of Deque's axe DevTools accessibility browser extension
(Deque Systems on YouTube, 39:31 minutes, 21.01.2022).
Demo of the axe DevTools browser extension for Chrome. (There is no version for Firefox.) The video show both freely available funtions and options and a few that require a paid subscription. For example, the “Guided Testing” is not available to users of the free version of the extension. - Dodson, Rob:
Automated testing with aXe -- A11ycasts #15
(Google Chrome Developers on YouTube, 12:29 minutes, 17.03.2017; Creative Commons).
Note that this tutorial is based on an older version of axe. - Sutton, Marcy: Axe 3.0 has arrived — here’s what you need to know, Deque blog, 21.03.2018.
axe-core-maven-html by Deque:
packages that
can be used for automated accessibility testing powered by axe core
. Licence: Mozilla Publice Licence (MPL) version 2.0. - Deschryver, Tim: Setting up Cypress with axe for accessibility, Tim Deschryver, last updated on 15.08.2022.
- QualWeb:
- QualWeb core, QualWeb on GitHub (ISC licence; accessed on 01.11.2023).
- QualWeb CLI, QualWeb on GitHub (ISC licence; accessed on 01.11.2023).
- QualWeb ACT Rules Module, QualWeb on GitHub (ISC licence; accessed on 01.11.2023).
by Nature Publishing Group is described as
your automated accessibility testing pal
. It is a command line tool that requires Node.js and PhantomJS. This tool is still being maintained. (Last accessed on 06.05.2022.) (Licence: GNU LGPL 3.0.)
See also the website Other relevant resources:-
questions tagged
on Stack Overflow. - Boyer, Ashlee M.: How I Added a pa11y-ci GitHub Action to My Next.js Site (18.06.2022; 12-minute read; archived on 17.09.2023). This blog post describes a ten-step process. (One of the requirements is NPM.)
- Kelbel, Ryan: Pa11y: Automated Accessibility Tool Review, Sparkbox, 2021.
questions tagged
- Total Validator: CI Version:
Total Validator CI is a command line version of Total Validator Pro, licensed for use with automated testing and continuous integration (…)
. (Accessed on 12.10.2023.) - Tse, Oliver; Lee, Andrew; Sumner, Melanie; Iwashima, Renato: LinkedIn’s approach to automated accessibility (A11y) testing, LinkedIn, 21.05.2020.
- Steadman, Mark: A Practical Approach to Automated Accessibility, DEV Community, 15.02.2023.
Running axe-core
- Testing pages with CLI, Deque Docs (no date; accessed on 29.04.2024).
- Automated testing using axe-core and PA11Y, DWP Accessibility Manual (no date; accessed on 29.04.2024).
- Katwala, Saptarshi: Using axe command line to evaluate a web page for accessibility, accessibility-a11y on Medium, 24.02.2029.
axe-scan (NPM)
axe-scan is a command line tool that you can use to test multiple web pages using the axe-core library. The axe-scan code (hosted on GitHub) requires Node.js, axe-core and Puppeteer. See also axe-scan on NPM.
Below is a short version of the list of instructions provided at the above link. They were tested in the PowerShell on Windows 10. The instructions should also work with the regular command prompt.
- Open the PowerShell and use the command node -v to find out whether Node.js is installed on the system. If not, download and install Node.js. You may need to reboot Windows after installing Node.js.
- In the PowerShell, install axe-scan using the following command: npm install -g axe-scan. At the end of the installation process, you may get a recommendation to update to a newer version of npm. If this is the case, update npm; the command will look as follows, but you may need a different number at the end: npm install -g npm@10.2.1.
- Still in the PowerShell, create a config file for axe-scan using the following command: axe-scan init --global.
- Still in the PowerShell, update axe-scan using the following command: npm update -g axe-scan.
- Create a directory where you want to save scan results. For example, if you are in
, you can create a directory namedaxe-scan
, either in Windows Explorer or from within the PowerShell. In the PowerShell, you can use the command mkdir axe-scan to create the directory, then move into that directory using the command cd axe-scan. If you wish, you can create separate subdirectories per site that you want to scan. - In the directory where you want to save scan results, create a file named
. In this file, list the URLs of the pages you want to scan. Use one line per URL and make sure there are no empty lines, even at the end of the file. Important: the file should be encoded in UTF-8 without a byte order mark. Incorrect encodings, including UTF-16, can lead to “protocol errors” because the tool can't read the URLs.
(You can also create files on the command prompt, but you will still need to check that there is no empty line at the end of the file.) - In the PowerShell, make sure that you are in the directory where you stored
. Then run the scan using the following command: axe-scan run > results.csv. You can choose a different file name thanresults.csv
, for example one that contains the name of the scanned site. - After the scan has finished, you can open the CSV file in a spreadsheet program. For example, if you use LibreOffice Calc, make sure that only tab and comma are selected as separators, and that the semicolon is deselected.
See also
- axe-scan, Scriptable Assets (no date; accessed on 29.04.2024).
Abandoned Libraries
The following libraries are no longer being developed:
Grunt Accessibility,
by Steven Miller is an
HTML codesniffer to grade accessibility
. It is a command-line tool for checking static HTML pages on your hard drive. You can specify which level of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 the code should be tested against. (Licence: MIT.) The source code has not been updated since early 2018, so it has not been updated since the publication of WCAG 2.0. - access_lint:
Check for web accessibility errors from Ruby
. Available under the MIT licence. Uses the Audit Rules defined for the Google Chrome accessibility developer tools. (This tool is no longer being maintained. The developer instead recommends AccessLint.) -
Ember A11y Testing (available under the MIT licence)
is a wrapper around Deque Labs' axe-core accessibility testing engine. It integrates into your testing environment with a simple
The GitHub repository has not been updated since November 2017. (Last accessed on 23.12.2024.)a11yAudit()
See also Ember A11y on GitHub. -
AccessLint: Automated and continuous web accessibility testing.
According to its developers,
AccessLint is a GitHub App that finds accessibility issues in your pull requests.
(20.07.2022.) The AccessLint app in the GitHub Marketplace can be used for free by hobbyists for the personal projects but requires payment if you want to use it for private projects or on an entire organisation on GitHub. (See also the AccessLint app and the other checkers by the organisation AccessLint. - Deque Labs:
aXe Selenium (Java) Integration:
demonstration of how to use aXe to run web accessibility tests in Java projects.
This repository was deprecated in October 2020. Licence: Mozilla Publice License 2.0. - Peter Kranz: Raakt - The Ruby Accessibility Analysis Kit. Source code available on under the BSD 3-clause licence. (The source code repository could not be reached on 06.05.2022.)
- Anil Suryanarayana:
Selenium Webdriver driven accessibility testing module to check for webpage accessibility compliance
. Licence: MIT License.
The source code repository has not been updated since July 2015. (Last accessed on 06.05.2022.)
Contrast Checkers
Whether foreground and background colous have sufficient contrast is not something that you should try to “eyeball”. For example, red and green are strongly contrastly contrasting colour for people with normal colour vision but not for most people with colour vision deficiencies. There are many free tools that can help you check contrast, find colours with sufficient contrast or simulate certain colour vision deficiencies.
Most contrast analysis tools now support the
contrast algorithm
defined in the
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 and will tell
you whether the contrast ratio pass at
Level AA
or at
Level AAA.
Some tools will also tell you whether the contrast meets the
defined in the
Techniques For Accessibility Evaluation And Repair Tools (AERT)
(August 2000).
However, this document never went beyond the W3C working draft stage,
and its contrast algorithm is explicitly marked as
open to change
Tools that simulate colour blindness try to approximate what people with colour vision deficiencies see; the output of these tools should not be interpreted as exact renditions of what these people see.
See also the separate list of bookmarklets for colour or contrast.
since 13 April 2023 the new home of Color contrast checker by Polypane.
This is a web-based contrast checker that not only accepts hexadecimal RGB values, but also RGBA and HSLA values.
The result of the contrast check is available as a sharable link.
Quote:Unlike many contrast checking tools, the Polypane contrast checker takes opacity into account when calculating the colors, giving you the real contrast ratio.
(Accessed on 24.02.2023.)
Announcement: ColorContrast.App: a new place for our color contrast checker (Polypane blog, 13.04.2023). -
APCA Contrast Calculator:
developed by Andrew Somers of Myndex.
This contrast checker does not only accept hexadecimal RGB values, but also RGBA and HSLA values.
You can generate a sharable link for the test results.
See also the GitHub repository for the APCA Contrast Calculator. - The Colour Contrast Analyser
is a free and open source tool for Windows and Mac OS X developed by The Paciello Group (TPGi).
The tool has two main functions:- Checking whether two colours pass the contrast requirements defined in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0. You can identify colours using a “eye dropper” tool or using colour codes such as a hexadecimal RGB colour code or other colour codes such as RGBA, HSL and HSLa.
- Simulate certain colour vision deficiencies. (The visual simulation is only available in the Windows version.)
The contrast analyser is available in several languages (including English, German, French, Hindi and traditional Chinese). The source code is available on GitHub under the GNU General Public License 2.0. -
Contrast Ratio (originally by Lea Verou)
is a tool for checking the contrast of web colours.
Unlike many other contrast checkers, it does not only accept hexadecimal RGB values, but also RGBA and HSLA values.
The result of the contrast check is available as a sharable link.
Lea Verou’s article “Easy color contrast ratios” (October 2012) gave the tool a wider visibility in the web development community. (See also Scott Gilbertson’s article “Create More Accessible Color Schemes With ‘Contrast Ratio’”.)
The source code is available on GitHub under the MIT License and is owned by an SEO company since March 2023. (See Contrast Ratio has a new home — and this is great news!, 18.03.2023.)
See the fork of Constrast Ratio. - Color Contrast Checker by Coolors is a web-based checker where you can enter hexadecimal codes for text and background colours. What makes Coolors' checker cool is that it has a “Click to enhance” function that suggest more contrasting alternatives to the colours you have entered. (Last accessed on 13.10.2023.)
Colour and contrast,
Andrew Hick (last accessed on 26.08.2024).
This page has a colour checker, a colour table based on 216 main colours and a “chrysanthemum colour poster”. - The Contrast Triangle developed by Chip Cullen. See the explanatory blog post “The Contrast Triangle” (11.02.2020) and the contrast triangle's GitHub repository (MIT licence; last updated in November 2020; accessed on 29.11.2023).
Nothing Magical (last accessed on 13.10.2022).
This is a macOS application (and not free of charge) and a Figma plugin. - Accessible Colors: WCAG 2.0 AA and AAA color contrast checker: this contrast checker is somewhat different because it does not only allow you to enter the colours you use but also the font size (in pixels) and font weight. It only accepts hexadecimal RGB values.
- Contrast Check by Accessibility Check is a checker that accepts various types of values. It was probably inspired by Lea Verou's web-based tool.
Contrast Checker,
This tool can also be used as an API by adding colour codes to its URL. Like most other contrast checkers, it only accepts hexadecimal RGB values. -
Tanaguru Contrast-Finder.
(See also the Tanaguru Contrast-Finder GitHub repository.) - Contrast Check by (Freiburg, Germany) is a web-based tool that allows you to enter the URL of a page on which you want to run a contrast check. There is also a German version: Farbkontrast Test. (Accessed on 13.10.2023.)
Contrast Ratio Calc by a certain José or jfmdev
is a web-based contrast checker that allows you to store various colours for comparison.
However, it only accepts hexadecimal RGB values, not RGBA or HSLA values.
The result of the contrast check is available as a sharable link.
See also the Contrast Ratio Calc GitHub repository, where the code is available under the terms of Mozilla Public License v2.0. - DigitalA11Y Color Contrast Checker is an extension for Chrome developed by
- A11y accessibility check for text colour on background image: this is a web-based tool that allows you to upload an image and have text contrast issues tested.
- Tester le contraste des couleurs.
- ColorZilla: an eyedropper, colour picker and colour analyser that is available as an add-on for Firefox and Chrome.
Annika Hamann’s Contrast-A is another tool for identifying accessible colour combinations. Like Giacomo Mazzocato’s colour wheel, it supports both WCAG 2.0’s contrast algorithm and the older AERT algorithm.This tool could no longer be reached on 23 January 2023.
Warning: this tool is developed in Adobe Flash and is not keyboard accessible.Giovanni Scala’s Check My Colours is a web-based tool for checking contrast in existing web pages. You can enter the URL of a web page to check theThis tool was no longer available on 24.02.2023. A message said,foreground and background combinations of all DOM elements
. The tool uses both WCAG 2.0’s contrast algorithm and the older AERT algorithms. Its output is a table where each row represents a DOM node, its foreground and background colour (as hexadecimal RGB codes), a sample, and the output of three algorithms: WCAG 2.0’s algorithm, AERT’s brightness difference algorithm and AERT’s brightness colour difference algorithm.
The tool is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 Italy (CC BY-SA 2.5 IT) Licence.Sorry! Service has been discontinued
Articles on Checking Contrast
- Bracey, Kezz: How to Use the Contrast Checker in Chrome DevTools, Envato Tuts+, 22.10.2018.
- Dennis:
Color Contrast Tools,
Web Axe, 23.01.2016, last updated in June 2021 (accessed on 24.02.2023).
This is just a list of links to contrast checkers. - Whiting, John:
Evaluating Color and Contrast – How hard can it be?,
WebAIM blog, 02.07.2021.
This blog post discusses all the types of content and elements that need to be checked. It does not take opacity or transparency, nor colour gradients into account. - Sethfors, Hampus: Top seven free color contrast checkers & analyzers, Axess Lab, 03.06.2022.
Accessible Colour Pickers
- Joe Dolson's
Color Contrast Spectrum Tester
is an online tool that helps you find colours that provide sufficient contrast
with a colour of your choice. You can choose a colour using a colour picker
or a hexadecimal code and then let the tool generate a number of colours.
Each of the generated colours will be tested against WCAG 2.0's
contrast requirements; those that pass WCAG 2.0 will be displayed
with their luminosity ratio.
The tool is also available in several languages, namely English, French, Dutch and traditional Chinese. (Last accessed on 13.10.2023.) - Accessible color palette builder: web-based tool by Atul Varma tool for choosing accessible colour combinations. The tool's source code is available on GitHub. (Last accessed on 13.10.2023.) (Last accessed on 09.12.2024.)
- Tanaguru Contrast-Finder is an open-source tool (with a GitHub repository under AGPO 2.0 licence). (Last accessed on 09.12.2024.)
EightShapes Contrast Grid
(EightShapes Contrast Grid with default colours).
This tool is described as follows:
Test many foreground and background color combos for compliance with WCAG 2.0 minimum contrast.
(Contrast Grid GitHub repository with MIT licence, last updated in February 2022. Last accessed on 09.12.2024.) - Maark; Carr, Alex: Contrast, Figma Community, 2019 (last accessed on 13.10.2023).
Giacomo Mazzocato’s Accessibility Color Wheel is a web-based tool that helps you identify accessible colour pairs that you can use in web content. It implements both WCAG 2.0’s contrast algorithm and the older AERT algorithms (which it identifies as the WCAG 1.0 algorithm, even though WCAG 1.0 did not specify a contrast algorithm).This tool was not online on 24.02.2023. A message said,The web site has been archived, access to the control panel to restore it.
Update: the domain is no longer owned by Giacomo Mazzocato.
Colour Blindness Simulators
Important: so-called colour blindeness simulators or colour vision simulations provide only approximations of colour vision deficiencies.
- Color vision simulation, Firefox Source Docs documentation (no date; accessed on 13.08.2024).
- Emulate vision deficiencies, Microsoft Edge Developer documentation, 07.12.2023 (accessed on 13.08.2024).
- Vischeck is a tool that simulates
colour vision deficiencies (“colour-blind vision”).
The tool was developed at Stanford University; the
Info & Links page
provides information about the algorithms in the code and
points to other interesting web pages about colour blindness.
You can run Vischeck on image files you upload or run Vischeck on a webpage (offline on 11.11.2021).
Daltonize is a tool thatcorrects images for colorblind viewers
. - Color Oracle is a free
and open source tool that simulates colour blindness.
Color Oracle’s website also provides
design tips for maps and
information graphics that are accessible for colour-impaired readers.
The tool is written in Java and works on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Color Oracle’s source code is available on GitHub under the MIT License. -
Sim Daltonism:
The color blindness simulator
. This simulator, developed by Michel Fortin, is available for iOS and macOS. The source code is available under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License in the sim-daltonism GitHub repository. - Coblis — Color Blindness Simulator
is a colour blindness simulator where you can upload images and see what they look like through eight different
simulations of colour blindness.
See also Coblis1 – Color Blindness Simulator, the first version of the simulator. -
Colorblind Web Page Filter,
Toptal (last accessed on 13.10.2023).
This is a page where you can enter a web page URL and choose type of colour vision deficiency that should be simulator for that page (protanopia, deuteranopia, tritanopia or achromatopsy). This may not work well for pages with a lot of dynamic content. - Myndex™ Color Vision Deficiency Simulator: developed by Andrew Somers of Myndex. This page allows you to upload an image and check what it looks like for several types of colour vision deficiencies.
- Who can use this color combination? (last accessed on 14.10.2023).
- RGBlind
is an open-source real-time color blindness simulation tool for the web.
It can be used as a web page where you can enter a URL: Online color blindness simulator for URLs It is also available as a browser extension for Google Chrome, Firefox and Opera. See for example, RGBlind on the Firefox Add-ons site. For the source code, see the RGBlind repository on GitHub, where the source code is available under the terms of the MIT licence. - Chromatic Vision Simulator: an app for iOS and Android. The Chromatic Vision Simulator - Web Edition can either use your camera or you checks an image you have uploaded.
Colorblindly Color Blindness Simulator,
We are Colorblind, 16.11.2018.
Colorblindly is a Chrome extension that simulates eight different types of colour blindness. - Esser, Olivier: The daltoniser: webpage about an old simulator based on the paper A Physiologically-based Model for Simulation of Color Vision Deficiency by Gustavo M. Machado, Manuel M. Oliveira and Leandro A. F. Fernandes (2009).
Color Vision Deficiency is a GIMP plugin that simulates different colour vision deficiencies.- Petrich, Loren:
Color-Blindness Simulators.
The Color-Blindness Simulator for Webpages is no longer working.
Articles about Automated Accessibility Evaluation
- Mundra, Daniel:
How I do automated accessibility testing for my website,, 22.02.2023.
Subtitle:Follow along with this example of performing accessibility tests in GitLab with Pa11y and Cypress on a Jekyll website.
- Cashin, Caitlin: The Engine Driving Web Accessibility Standardization, Caitlin Cash (on Medium), 10.01.2018.
- Groves, Karl: Choosing an Automated Accessibility Testing Tool: 13 Questions you should ask, Karl Groves, 28.06.2013.
- Groves, Karl:
Everything you know about accessibility testing is wrong (Part 4),
Karl Groves, 13.03.2024.
Quote:Automatically detectable issues should never see the light of day
. - O'Connor, Joshue:
Are accessibility scores all smoke and mirrors?,
InterAccess blog, December 2022.
This article is about accessibility scores, which tend to be based on automated accessibility checking and therefore cannot be assumed to be entirely accurate.Scoring and conformance, the arts of measuring (in principle) should get people ‘in the room’ to talk more and learn about accessibility. They should not be viewed as just viewed as ‘the thing to fix’. The narrative needs to be about how to make public sector websites and services more accessibile and inclusive, not fixing ‘the score’.
- Faulkner, Steve: WCAG 2.0 Parsing Criterion is a PITA, Paciello Group blog, 20.11.2015.
- Faulkner, Steve:
WCAG 2.0 parsing error bookmarklet,
Paciello Group blog, 02.02.2012.
(The bookmarklet does not seem to work in recent versions of Firefox.) - Faulkner, Steve: WCAG 2.1 parsing error bookmarklet – updated 25th February 2019 Paciello Group blog, 25.02.2019.
- Groves, Karl: Efficiency in Accessibility Testing or, Why Usability Testing Should be Last, Karl Groves, 22.04.2012.
Barrierefreiheitstests – automatisiert, manuell, egal?, (no date; accessed on 23.02.2023).
(Quote:Es ist sowohl Konsens unter Web-Barrierefreiheits-Spezialist*sinnen als auch das Ergebnis einer entsprechenden Studie, dass automatisierte Tests nur etwa 30% bis 40% der für WCAG-Konformität nötigen Tests überhaupt durchführen kann.
- Klavenes, Lars Magnus: How to test for accessibility with axe-core in Next.js and React, larsmagnus, 21.05.2022.
Accessibility tools: Automated testing,
DWP Accessibility Manual (no date; accessed on 29.04.2024).
This page briefly introduces various tools, such as the NPM module HTML Validator, the W3C Markup Validation Service, PA11Y, Axe-core and various browser extensions. -
Automating accessibility testing,
The Publishing Project, 04.07.2022 (five-minute read).
This page discusses browser extensions, the axe-core CLI tool and using Github Actions for accessibility testing. - Adam, Paul: Accessibility Testing Tools for Desktop and Mobile Websites, 24 Accessibility, 19.12.2017.
- Bean, Iain: An opinionated guide to accessibility testing, Iain Bean, 14.10.2020.
- Burns, Heather:
Equal Entry Website Mistakenly Called Out as Inaccessible,
Equal Entry, 31.07.2020.
A visitor left a comment on the Equal Entry website claming that the site had accessibility issues. It turned out that they had interpreted certain issues flagged by WAVE as representing real issues, whereas in reality they were either false positives or just alerts rather than errors. The issues reported by WAVE had not been reported by Microsoft Insights for Web, nor had they been obvious during a test with NVDA. -
Accessibility Checkers – A Good Start, not a Solution,
Knowbility, 14.10.2022.
This introductory article about accessibility evaluation tools explains what an accessibility checker is, what you should consider when selecting one, the strengths of accessibility checkers (mainly efficiency) and their limitations (especially their inability to check all aspects of accessibility). The articles ends with a few suggestions for accessibility checkers and some additional resources. - Roselli, Adrian:
Comparing Manual and Free Automated WCAG Reviews,
Adrian Roselli, 19.01.2023, updated on 23.01.2023.
This blogpost does not say what percentage of success criteria can be checked automatically but has some takeaways that managers and developers need to bear in mind, including the following:Automated accessibility checkers lack the context of a page and user. They can only run against the code in the current state of the page. This means you have to run and re-run them while checking assorted viewport sizes, orientations, states, and whatever else may be a factor.
They may also disagree on which Success Criterion best matches an issue they identify in the code.
- Matuzovic, Manuel:
Not all automated testing tools support Shadow DOM in web components,
Manuel Matuzovic, 02.01.2024.
This blog post contains an code example of a web component with several accessibility issues and a table comparing four accessibility checkers. Based on this, axe DevTools and IBM EAAC check shadow DOM content, whereas WAVE and ARC don't. HTML validators, such as the W3C Validator, don't support shadow DOM. - Cerovac, Bogdan: Beware – automatic tools over-report accessibility issues and steal your time, Bogdan on Digital Accessibility (A11y), 14.04.2024 (Creative Commonns).
Holbrook, Dan: The Power (and Limits) of Automated Accessibility Testing, Nerdery, 01.06.2017.This article was no longer online on 14.02.2024.- de Oliveira, Domingos:
Why you should operate digital Accessibility on Data,
Accessibility Consulting - Training & Support (no date; accessed on 06.03.2024).
(The author thinks that automated toolscan find up to 35 percent of accessibility issues on a website
. This is an inaccurate claim because it makes no distinguish between the sheer number of issues and the types of issues (for example, per success criterion) that tools can find.)
The Automatability of Accessibility Evaluation
In other words, how many of WCAG's success criteria can be checked automatically?
- Durah, Mehmet:
What we found when we tested tools on the world’s least-accessible webpage,
Accessibility in government, 24.02.2017 (last accessed oon 14.02.2024).
The GDS accessibility team created a web-page full of accessibility failures (containinga total of 143 failures grouped into 19 categories
) and checked how many of the failures could be found with a range of tools. Findings:We found that a large proportion of the barriers we created weren’t picked up by any of the 10 tools we tested – 29% in fact.
Of the 143 barriers we created, a total of 42 were missed by all of the tools we tested. The ones that were missed included barriers such as italics used on long sections of text, tables with empty cells and links identified by colour alone.If we only count error messages and warnings, then Tenon picked up the most barriers – it found 37% of them. If we also count manual inspection prompts, then Asqatasun was the most effective – it found 41% of the barriers. At the other end of the range, Google Developer Tools, which is quite a popular tool, only picked up 17% of the barriers.
The blogpost concludes that effective accessibility evaluation requires a combination of automated and manual checking. - Petri, Giacomo; Federici, Christian:
Automated WCAG Testing is Not Enough for Web Accessibility ADA Compliance,
UsableNet blog, 28.06.2018.
Summary at the top of the blogpost:Over 70% of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Success Criteria require Manual Review.
This blogpost contains a table listing the WCAG 2.1 success criteria at levels A and AA, and grouping them into three categories: fully automatic, requiring a combination of automatic and manual checking or completely manual testing. In WCAG 2.0, out of 38 criteria, four criteria could be tested completely automatically, 12 required a combination of automatic and manual checking and 22 required completely manual testing. In WCAG 2.1, out of 50 criteria, four criteria could be tested completely automatically, 12 required a combination of automatic and manual checking and 34 required completely manual testing. (Based on this, the percentage of level A and level AA criteria that require manual testing went up with the publication of WCAG 2.1.) - Fischer, Detlev:
How many WCAG 2.1 SCs are testable with automated tests only?
(message to the mailing list of the W3C's Accessibility Guidelines Working Group, dated 20 August 2019).
This message identifies three success criteria that can be avaluated with automated checks alone: 1.4.3 Text Contrast (with the exception of text as image and edge cases
), 3.1.1 Language and 4.1.1 Parsing. It also identifies 16 other success criteria where an automated check needs to be followed by a human check. (These 19 success criteria represent 24.4 % of WCAG 2.1's 78 success criteria.) -
Automated Accessibility Testing Tools: How Much Do Scans Catch?,
Level Access blog, 01.12.2020.
Quotes:Automated scans can flag approximately 30% of WCAG success criteria, but to get a full and accurate assessment of your website’s conformance with WCAG 2.1 AA, both automated accessibility testing and manual testing is necessary.
For WCAG 2.1 AA tests, automated scans can only check for 20-25% of WCAG success criteria. This means 75-80% of issues will not be detected.
The Automated Accessibility Coverage Report,
Deque, 06.10.2021, updated on 29.06.2023.
According to this article, claims that automated tools can find only 20 to 30% of all failures of WCAG success criteria are inaccurate:This statistic is founded on an inaccurate definition that accessibility coverage is calculated by how many individual WCAG success criteria can be tested by automation.
Deque looked at 2,000 audits. Based on the data, they arrived at two important conclusions. First, 57.38% of total issues could be detected by Deque's tools. (Other tools weren't part of the study.) Second, 78% of these issue map to five success criteria. The top seven success criteria by number of automatically detected failures are the following:- 3.1.1 Language of Page
- 4.1.1 Parsing
- 1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum)
- 2.4.1 Bypass Blocks
- 1.1.1 Non-Text Content
- 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value
- 1.3.1 Info and Relationships
Deque Study Shows Its Automated Testing Identifies 57 Percent of Digital Accessibility Issues, Surpassing Accepted Industry Benchmarks,
Deque blog, 10.03.2021.
Deque looked at data from 2,000 accessibility audits and check how many of the nearly 300,000 issues in these audits could be found with its own tools, which are based on the open-source axe-core rules library.Deque found that, on average, 57 percent of accessibility issues were completely covered by this automated testing.
(This finding should be distinguished from how many success criteria can be checked automatically. Actually occurring accessibility issues are not evenly distributed over wCAG's success criteria.) -
wcag 2.1: Which success criteria can be tested automatically or semi-automatically?,
User Experience Stack Exchange, 22.10.2022.
Two answers to this question were posted in October 2022, neither of which quotes a source for its claims. - Iyad Abu Doush; Khalid Sultan; Mohammed Azmi Al-Betar; Zainab Almeraj; Zaid Abdi Alkareem Alyasseri; Mohammed A. Awadallah: Web accessibility automatic evaluation tools: to what extent can they be automated?, CCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interaction, Volume 5, pages 288–320 (published on 14.03.2023; abstract only).
- Ronen, Ran:
A Website Accessibility Checker Doesn't Ensure Compliance: Here's Why,
Forbes, 26.12.2022.
This article includes a non-exhaustive list of WCAG success criteria that require human evaluation: 1.2.2 Captions (Prerecorded), 1.1.1 Text Alternatives For Non-Text Content, 1.3.3 Sensory Characteristics, 2.4.7 Focus Visible and 3.3.1 Error Identification.
Developing Browser Extensions
Google Chrome Extensions and Accessibility (25.06.2010)
is a short video by Rachel Shearer (from Google's accessibility team)
discusses accessibility best practices for extension developers.
In the first part, she describes the
ChromeVis extension (for people with low vision).
In the second part, she explains how she used the WebKit selection API
and what kinds of additional work was needed for features such as
keyboard navigation, text size options and colour options.
The source code for Chromevis has been archived on also the chrome.accessibilityFeatures API that was introduced in Google Chrome 37 (but which only works on Chrome OS).
Stylesheets for Finding Issues
- Domleo, Jack:
A CSS stylesheet to quickly highlight a11y concerns.
(Licence: MIT licence. Accessed on 27.02.2023.) See also the list of Checka11y.css Error/Warning Codes. - Meiert, Jens: QA Style Sheet: CSS file that highlights common HTML problems; not primarly geared towards accessibility evaluation. (Licence: Apache 2.0.)
- Groves, Karl:
CSS file
which allows the user to test for common errors in a page's markup
. (Licence: undefined.) - Heydon:
A CSS bookmarklet that puts pink error boxes (with messages in comic sans) everywhere you write bad HTML
. (Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.) -
Diagnostic CSS Files:
this CSS is a diagnostic file that aims to highlight HTML elements that have roles that should probably be native HTML equivalents (&ellip;)
. (Licence: MIT License.) -
Stylus, (no date; accessed on 07.09.2022).
Stylus is not an accessibility evaluation tool but it is possible to use styles to highlight specific issues. - Writing styles, openstyles/stylus Wiki, last updated on 16.08.2022.
- Using CSS and Stylus to bend the web to your will, G. Winney, 10.04.2020.
Various Browser-Based Tools
Browser Features for Accessibility Inspection
- Accessibility inspector - Firefox Developer Tools, MDN, last updated 20.06.2018 (accessed 02.07.2018, 21.10.2023).
- Accessibility Inspector, Firefox Source Docs documentation (no date; last accessed on 13.10.2023).
- Heilman, Christian:
Seven ways to test for accessibility of your web site with browser Developer Tools,
Christian Heilman, 11.01.2021.
This blog post is about the developer tools in Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome. - Zehe, Marco: Introducing the Accessibility Inspector in the Firefox Developer Tools, Marco's Accessibility Blog, 11.04.2018. Marco Zehe points out that the inspector is only intended as an inspection tool, not as an evaluation tool.
- Accessibility-testing features, Microsoft Edge Development | Microsoft Learn, 28.03.2023 (accessed on 21.10.2023).
- Overview of accessibility testing using DevTools, Microsoft Edge Development | Microsoft Learn, 28.03.2023 (accessed on 21.10.2023).
- Bay, Johan: Full accessibility tree in Chrome DevTools, Chrome DevTools engineering blog, 13.12.2021.
- Emilianova, Sofia:
Make your website more readable,
Chrome for Developers, 19.10.2022.
This article is about using Chrome Devtools to discover and fix contrast issues in a page and about emulating vision deficiencies. The techniques explained in the article can be practised on a demo page (CVD). The instructions also work for Microsoft Edge. - Yeen, Jecelyn; Emilianova, Sofia:
Inspect and debug HD and non-HD colors with the Color Picker,
Chrome for Developers, 07.03.2023
Part of this article is about the colour picker (and eye dropper) built into Chrome and Edge, which is a rather well-hidden feature. - Autocomplete-Check, GitHub: Chrome extension for checking WCAG Success Criterion 1.3.5: Identify Input Purpose. Developed by Philipp Recke for a bachelor thesis in computer science at the Hochschule der Medien, Stuttgart. Licence: MIT.
Discover and fix low contrast text with DevTools
(Chrome for Developers on YouTube, 3:36 minutes, 13.01.2022).
This covers topics such as the inspecte mode tooltip, the contrast ratio in the colour picker (in the Styles panel), how to fix low contrast, how to emulate colour vision deficiencies and a few other related topics.
Bookmarklets are listed in their own section because they are useful in environments where installing browser extensions or add-ons is not allowed.
- Adam, Paul J.:
JavaScript Bookmarklets for Accessibility Testing.
(See also pauljadam/bookmarklets, the GitHub repository for the accessibility bookmarklets. This repository was last updated in September 2019.) (Accessed on 29.05.2023.) -
BOSA Accessibility Check:
a bookmarklet for accessibility evaluation made available by the
Belgian federal public service BOSA.
See WCAG 2.1 Standard: Summary - BOSA Accessibility Check
for the list of checks supported by the bookmarklet.
The code is available in a GitHub repository: openfed/AccessibilityCheck: forked from HTML_CodeSniffer by Squiz Labs. The page BOSA Accessibility Check (in Dutch) on BOSA's official website says they intended to keep their tool in sync with HTML Codesniffer, taking into account BOSA's own needs. However, the repository was last updated in April 2021 and HTML Codesniffer's code was last updated in August 2022. Neither of these tools has been updated for WCAG 2.2. (Repositories last accesssed on 07.08.2024.) -
ANDI (Accessible Name & Description Inspector),
Social Security Administration (accessed on 11.07.2022).
See also ANDI on GitHub. One advantage of ANDI over many other tools is that it is a bookmarklet, so it can even be installed in organisations that don't allow employees to install browser extensions or other software. - h123 - An bookmarklet that shows headings like a screenreader (Accessbility) by DEPT® Switzerland, formerly Hinderling Volkart AG. (See also the h123 repository on GitHub, which has no open source licence.)
- Adam, Paul J.:
Headings Bookmarklet for Accessibility Testing,
JavaScript Bookmarklets for Accessibility Testing (no date; accessed on 29.05.2023).
This bookmarklet is a convenient alternative to the headingsMap extension for people who are not allowed to install browser add-ons. - Adam, Paul J.:
Page Title + Language Bookmarklet for Accessibility Testing,
JavaScript Bookmarklets for Accessibility Testing (no date; accessed on 06.10.2023).
This bookmarklet is a convenient for people who don't have the technical background to check HTML source code or use the browser's developer tools. - Heilmann, Christian: Alt Text Rollover Bookmarklet. (The Alt-Text-Rollover-Bookmarklet repository on GitHub has no licence and was last updated in August 2020.)
- Bennett, Brian:
Check for alt tags with a Bookmarklet,
ohhey[blog], 04.11.2021.
The bookmarklet is called altChecker. For source code, see the altChecker.js GitHub Gist. - Lloyd, Ian: A11y audit bookmarklets, A11y Tools (no date; last accessed on 10.12.2023).
WAI-ARIA usage,
The Paciello Group GitHub pages (no date; accessed on 22.12.2024).
This bookmarklet is intended toevaluate document conformance requirements for use of ARIA attributes in HTML and allowed ARIA roles, states, and properties.
See also the WAI-ARIA usage GitHub repository (MIT licence). - Faulkner, Steve:
quick and very dirty target size checker,
HTML Accessibility, 28.08.2023.
This article introduces a bookmarklet to speed up checking Success Criterion 2.5.8 Target Size (Minimum), a Level AA criterion added in WCAG 2.2. - text spacing bookmarklet by Steve Faulkner. (See also the text spacing bookmarklet on Codepen.) This bookmarklet is specifically intended for checking whether a web page meets Success Criterion 1.4.12 Text Spacing in WCAG 2.1 or WCAG 2.2. (The requirement didn't exist in WCAG 2.0.)
Shadow DOM Checker,
Eleven Ways GitHub repository (created on 03.12.2023).
Since most accessibility checkers are unable to check content in a shadow DOM, it is important to be aware of the presence of shadow DOM in a page. - Accessibility Testing Bookmarklets, tollwerk (no date; accessed on 21.10.2023).
- TPG Bookmarklets, The Paciello Group (on GitHub), last updated in 2017.
- A11Y Bookmarklets by Kate Deibel. (See also the accessibility-bookmarklet repository on GitHub.)
- Bookmarklets | Accessible Technologies, Virginia Tech, 04.10.2022 (accessed on 21.10.2023). A list of bookmarklets.
- Peri, Raghavendra Satish: 49 Accessibility Bookmarklets You Can Use For A11Y Testing, DigitalA11Y, last updated on 20.10.2023. (Accessed on 11.11.2023.)
Bookmarklets for Colour or Contrast
Contrast Checker Bookmarklet,
WebAIM (no date; accessed on 13.10.2023).
This bookmarklet includes a colour picker tool or eyedropper. This is very useful for people working in an environment that does not allow them to install desktop tools or browser extensions. -
Contrast Checker / contrast-checker by David Johnstone
bookmarklet that shows the contrast ratio of the current element and its background
. The bookmarklet's GitHub repository has an MIT licence. The code has not been updated since September 2013. (Accessed on 13.10.2023.) -
Contrast analysis widget by Ada Rose Edwards
a bookmarklet to run on any page to analyse the contrast of the text on a page and highlight elements which may have readability issues
. The contrast-widget repository on GitHub has an MIT licence and was last updated in February 2021. (Accessed on 13.10.2023.)
Stylesheets and Various Scripts
Stylesheets, bookmarklets and other scripts for visualising specific markup features.
- Fiers, Wilco: Table Manners: jQuery plugin to visualize accessibility of tables (last updated in 2013; no licence).
open-source tool by Google for
improving the quality of web pages
. It is part of the Chrome DevTools, which are available in Google Chrome and Chromium; they can also be run from the command line or as a Node module. Among other things, it performs accessibility audits. The Lighthouse source code is available on GitHub under the terms of the Apache 2.0 licence.
See also the following blog posts and articles:-
Lighthouse - Totally Tooling Tips
(Google Chrome Developers on YouTube, 8 minutes, 08.09.2017).
This is a general introduction to Lighthouse for webdevelopers without specific attention to accessibility evaluation. - Dodson, Rob: The new way to test accessibility with Chrome DevTools - A11ycasts #23 (Google Chrome Developers on YouTube, 5 minutes, 18.08.2017).
- Moshe, Dor: The New Chrome DevTool Feature You Want to Know About, Hacker Noon, 06.06.2017 (eight-minute read).
- Loukil, Aymen: Lighthouse custom audits tutorial, Aymen Loukil, 19.11.2018. (This blog post does not mention accessibility audits.)
- Cashin, Caitlin: Google Selects Deque’s axe for Chrome DevTools, Deque blog, 28.09.2017.
- Kennedy, James: Will the Lighthouse accessibility audit tool help make the web more accessible?, Boston Web Designers, 22.11.2017.
- Lighthouse performance scoring, Chrome Developers, 19.09.2019; updated on 09.02.2023.
Lighthouse - Totally Tooling Tips
(Google Chrome Developers on YouTube, 8 minutes, 08.09.2017).
Accessibility Insights for Web: Overview.
This tool was developed by Microsoft.
- Lahoti, Sugandha: Microsoft open sources ‘Accessibility Insights for Web’, a chrome extension to help web developers fix their accessibility issues, Packt Hub, 14.03.2019.
- Accessibility Insights for Web in the Google Chrome Store. (There is no Firefox add-on.)
- FAQ for Accessibility Insights for Web (accessed on 06.03.2024).
- accessibility-insights-web (GitHub repository).
- tota11y – an accessibility visualization toolkit: a tool developed by Khan Academy.
- headingsMap:
- Smith, Nathan: Introducing Construct.css, CSS-Tricks, 12.09.2018, updated on 09.02.2019.
Browser Features and Extensions for End Users
- Mozilla Support: Accessibility features in Firefox - Make Firefox and web content work for all users.
- Media Access Australia: How to turn on accessibility features in Google Chrome.
- Media Access Australia: How to turn on accessibility features in Opera.
- @keitori: chrome extensions for disabilities masterpost, (no date).
Comparing or Benchmarking Evaluation Tools
- Government Digital Service (UK): How do automated accessibility checkers compare? / Accessibility Tools Audit Results (February 2017). See also the blog post What we found when we tested tools on the world’s least-accessible webpage (24 February 2017). The tools were tested on these test cases with accessibility failures.
- Accessibility Fails by Alistair Duggin and Mehmet Duran is a collection of accessibility failures that can be used to test evaluation tools.
- Pool, Jonathan Robert: Accessibility Metatesting: Comparing Nine Testing Tools,, 17.01.2023, last revised on 12.04.2023.
A Comparison of Automated Testing Tools for Digital Accessibility,
Equal Entry, 11.04.2024.
Marc Haunschild on LinkedIn (April/May 2024:Why I don’t use automated testing tools on a regular basis when auditing.
The result pretty much sums up my own experience…
Using Screen Readers for Accessibility Testing
- Roselli, Adrian:
Speech Viewer Logs of Lies,
Adrian Roselli, 23.08.2020, updated on 30.04.2024.
This blog post is a warning against relying on the screen reader's speech viewer too much, since it does not always reproduced what you hear. - Paladugula, Rakesh: Spectator of Screen Reader? tools for you, Maxability, 02.02.2017.
- Whiting, Jon: Three things you should know before using VoiceOver for testing, WebAIM blog, 31.08.2016.
- Lockwood, Sue: Getting Started with VoiceOver & Accessibility, Bocoup (blog), 23.02.2017.
Getting started with NVDA,
tempertemper, 02.10.2014.
This blog post is aimed at people testing websites rather than screen reader users. - Getting VoiceOver to shut up, tempertemper, 30.04.2023.
Reporting Tools
WCAG-EM Report Tool:
interface of an open-source reporting tool developed at the Wold Wide Web Consortium.
For documentation related to the tool, see
WCAG-EM Overview: Website Accessibility Conformance Evaluation Methodology,
the WCAG-EM Report Tool GitHub repository,
the documentation of the EARL + JSON-LD format in the old GitHub repository.
See also the section on Required Expertise in the WCAG-EM Evaluation Methodology, which says,Users of this methodology are assumed to have solid understanding of how to evaluate web content using WCAG 2.0, accessible web design, assistive technologies, and of how people with different disabilities use the Web. (…)
(For the documentation of the EARL format, see Evaluation and Report Language (EARL) 1.0 Schema and Developer Guide for Evaluation and Report Language (EARL) 1.0.)
The tool was updated during the WAI Tools project (see Cordis), which ran from November 2107 till January 2021 and had a total budget of 2 244 493,75. The update to the tool was only of the project's goals. See also the WAI Tools page at the W3C.
The first version of the WCAG-EM Report Tool was developed with support from the WAI-ACT project, which ran from September 2011 till August 2014 and had an overall budget of € 1 567 718. See also the WAI-ACT project page at the W3C and the GitHub repository of the first version of the tool.
The WCAG-EM Report Tool has also been deployed on other sites, for example, WCAG-EM Report Tool at 200 OK (in Dutch). - Be Inclusive: a commercial tool developed by Steve Woodson (Chicago, USA). The user interface is available in English, Spanish, French and Dutch.
- CAAT: a commercial tool developed by mindscreen (Munich, Germany). The user interface is available in German and English.
Monitoring Tools
- Burkhardt, Andreas; Zimmermann, Gottfried; Schwarzer, Bettina: Monitoring Systems for Checking Websites on Accessibility, Frontiers in Computer Science, 10 February 2021; Creative Commons Attribution Licence.
- Accessibility monitoring, Accessibility Cloud (no date; accessed on 14.10.2023).
Pa11y Dashboard:
Pa11y Dashboard is a web interface which helps you monitor the accessibility of your websites
. Licence: GPL 3.0. (Accessed on 06.02.2024.) - axe Monitor®, Deque (no date; accessed on 14.10.2023).
- ARC Domain Monitoring, TPGi (no date; accessed on 14.10.2023).
- Pope Tech (no date; accessed on 14.10.2023). See also Site-wide WAVE Tools at WebAIM.
Other Resources and Links
- Libby, Todd: How-to: Use Firefox for accessibility testing, The A11Y Project, 17.07.2022. (Last accessed 13.10.2023.)
- The ICT Accessibility Testing Symposium: website of an annual event. The proceedings from 2016 can be downloaded in several formats (PDF, EPUB or MOBI).
- Walter, Stephanie: Color accessibility: tools and resources to help you design inclusive products, The UX Research and Design Blog, last updated in November 2021.
- Fiers, Wilco: Do Accessibility Checkers have a place in QA?, Automated WCAG Monitoring Community Group, 23 April 2015. (Last accessed 13.10.2023.)
- You can see Google Chrome's accessibility settings by typing
into the URL bar. This also works in Comodo Dragon and Microsoft Edge, which are based on Chrome. - The Chromium Project: Accessibility Technical Documentation. (Last accessed 13.10.2023.)
- Weakley, Russ:
Using Chrome’s accessibility tree for manual testing of HTML and ARIA,
Intopia GitHub Pages (no date; link posted on GitHub on 04.11.2023).
This presentation was part of the IAAP 2023 Accessibility Testing Considerations Miniseries. - Johnson, Laura: Comparing 3 Top Automated Accessibility Testing Tools: WAVE,, and Google Lighthouse, Myplanet on Medium, 24.07.2018.
- Bigby, Garenne:
Top 25 Awesome Accessibility Testing Tools for Websites,
Dynomapper blog, 16.12.2018.
It is not clear what criteria were used to create this ranking, except for making sure that the company's own tool was listed first. - Stanton, Paul. Which accessibility testing tool should you use?, Pulsar (on Medium), 17.05.2018.
- Smith, Jared:
Web Accessibility Practitioners Survey #2 Results,
WebAIM blog, 31.05.2018.
The summary states that accessibility practitioners use a wide variety of evaluation tools,with WAVE, aXe, Google Developer Tools, online contrast checkers, and accessibility bookmarklets/scripts being most commonly used
. With regard to screen reader testing, a notable finding is thenoted differences in the screen readers used by respondents with disabilities (primarily JAWS) vs. those without disabilities (primarily NVDA and VoiceOver)
. - Continuous Accessibility: website by Melanie Sumner. (Accessed on 06.12.2024.)
CSS Stats:
CSS Stats provides analytics and visualizations for your stylesheets. This information can be used to improve consistency in your design, track performance of your app, and diagnose complex areas that might benefit from refactoring.
. (Last accessed 13.10.2023.) - Font size conversion: pixel-point-em-rem-percent, webSemantics, 2017, udpated on 19.05.2020 (last accessed 13.10.2023).
- px to pt Converter, Everything Fonts (no date; last accessed 13.10.2023).
- Encycolorpedia.
tota11y – an accessibility visualization toolkit,
Khan Academy (no date).
tota11y source code repository on GitHub; licence: MIT. -
Ishihara Test for Color Blindness,, 09.08.2015.
This page presents 12 Ishihara test images with numbers that you are expected to recognise. - DeNardis, Nick: Visualize alt text on social media sites, Nick DeNardis, 23.06.2021.
- Matuzović, Manuel: Building the most inaccessible site possible with a perfect Lighthouse score, Manuel Matuzović, 31.05.2019 (last accessed on 30.07.2024).
How do automated accessibility checkers compare?,
GDS accessibility team (no date; accessed on 23.04.2023).
The GitHub reposiory “accessibility-tool-audit” was last updated in May 2019. - Centeno, Vicente Luque; Kloos, Carlos Delgado; Fisteus, Jesús Arias; Álvarez, Luis Álvarez: Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools: A Survey and Some Improvements, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 157, Issue 2, 22 May 2006.
- Automated Testing, Accessibility for Teams (U.S. General Services Administration) (no date; accessed on 20.07.2022, 13.10.2023).
- Herrmann, Marcus: Barrierefreiheitstests – automatisiert, manuell, egal?, Marcus Herrmann, 30.05.2022, updated on 21.06.2022.
- Kinsbruner, Eran:
How to Achieve Automated Accessibility Testing,
Perfecto blog, 09.07.2020.
The author of this blog post writes,Accessibility testing can — and should — be automated.
He also claims that
Most accessibility tests today are done manually — or not at all. Accessibility testing is not part of the lifecycle, and it usually isn’t automated. But it should be.We typically find that up 50% of accessibility issues can be found by leveraging these libraries.
This is high, given that at most 30% of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines can be tested automatically.(The blog post has atitle
element that is updated every second.) IBM Accessibility Research: Tools and guidance.IBM Accessibility Research: AccProbe.Update 21.10.2023: this tool is no longer available on IBM's website.
IBM's description:Standalone, Eclipse Rich Client Platform application that combines the functionality of numerous accessibility inspection and event management tools into one application to test and correct accessibility violations.
Provides access to the Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA) and iAccessible2 APIs implemented in an application or rendered document.
See also the YouTube video IBM Accessibility Open Source: AccProbe (4 minutes, 27.03.2018).- Deyla, Jacopo: Come calcolare la percentuale di accessibilità, LinkedIn, 16.02.2024.